The Collectors Club Calendar

On the afternoon of Wednesday 30th of March, I recieved a lovely suprise when I came home from school.Yes, the calendar! So this is the parcel I saw on the dining room table.

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It was covered in lots of little stickers of sylvanians (school children and under) There were also stickers on the back but I forgot to take a picture of them. I peeled the stickers off and put them on one of those sticker already used but the thing they were stuck on sheet thingeys.

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Here is one of the stickery, Librety Harvey which I call Lulu Fisher in my village.

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Now I opened it and saw the above, so cute! You can’t buy them here I think so I am sooooooooo happy!

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See at the back there are all the seasons or monthes pictures. Now, I am not going to overly describe the pictures what you can see yourself.

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Here we have December of 2015, a lovely picture of children ice skating infront of the supermarket, toy store, sweet store and I think that on the left there is the beginning of the brick oven bakery.

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This is January 2016, the children are having fun in the snow, I think that the snow car looks a bit like it was made with coconut shavings =).

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This is Febraury, the chocolate sisters are helping in the brick oven bakery, don’t those cookies out of the oven look yummy!

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This is March, what a lovely easter picture, I love the little tree!

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This picture is for April, isn’t it cute?

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May, everyone is going shopping.

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This is my favourite one, aww, it is just too adorable for words!

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July is my birthday month but I have to say that this is my least favourite picture, I do not really like the adventure island theme at the moment.

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This one is ok, it looks very lovely to swim in.

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September, a nice picnic in the sun

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This is October as you have probably guessed.

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November, I also really like this picture.

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And finally December!

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There were also these holiday stickers.


Hmm, it is such a pity that there is no snow in nz at christmas time, =(. I do really like my calendar. Guess who was on EVERY single picture though? Yes, Freya Chocolate, her little sister was also in every except two. I do not actually like Freya very much she is overused. Now enough of that, I really love being in the sylvanian collectors club nz because they do not give age restraints, like, you have a fair chance and I do not think they take entries for competitions out just because the person was older. I will post the review about Hollies story (The original Hollies concert book) soon and I also am carrying on with the Basswood Herald, the village newspaper, do you have any ideas what I could put on the last page?



  1. cutata says:

    Congratulations on your prize!! Oh Emily! YouΒ΄re very lucky. This calendar is lovely. The pictures are so nice! Thank you for showing it .

  2. Molly Bright says:

    Hi Emily πŸ™‚

    What a lovely post! We are so pleased that your Calendar arrived and that you liked the little surprise of stickers that Lulu put on the envelope. We really enjoyed putting the calendar together and are so pleased you are enjoying it too!

    Hugs and Sparkles
    Molly Bright
    Sylvanian Families Collectors Club Editor

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