Buckley and Clearwater Family Descriptions

Clearwater Vole Family

Sybil Clearwater

Sybil Clearwater is a kind woman with a personality with draws people in. Her laugh is contagious and no one can recall a day where Sybil seemed sad. Even when she is very flustered and stressed she is still smiling. Sybil loves to sew so it is no wonder that she is the village’s seamstress! Recently she bought the latest sewing machine, the Daisy 1000 which allows her to sew her things a lot quicker!

Molly Clearwater

Molly Clearwater is learning to sew from her Mother. She can already make a great number of things but Molly is eager to learn how to do so much more! Molly can be shy around others but when she opens up she is warm and bubbly just like her mother Sybil. Her favourite pastime is to gently swing on a swing and observe the nature around her while working on some hand sewing or embroidery.

Buckley Deer Family

Rupert Buckley

Rupert Buckley is a man who loves his Sudoku and crosswords. He collects all sorts of puzzle books and enjoys sitting down to complete a Sudoku or two before bedtime or after a long, hard day at work. Rupert is a teacher at the local Dandelion Creek school as the classes have become too large for just Aristotle Treefellow to manage. Every Saturday these two men get together to plan lessons for the upcoming week, a task they both enjoy as the meetings are held in the village Bakery, with free donuts provided!

Agatha Buckley

Agatha Buckley sometimes helps out with Art lessons at the local school but mainly helps Tabitha Hazelwood at the Dandelion Creek nursery. She loves little children and is usually one of the first people that is asked if any babysitting is needing to be done. All of the children adore her (not only her own) as she has a unique ability to make up stories on the spot that enchant the little ones. No wonder all the toddlers look forward to going to the Nursery!

Freddie Buckley

Freddie Buckley is a very organized boy who would like to be either a teacher like his Dad or a mayor like Elliot Beaman someday. He is quite patient and loves to help and teach others, which is why he thinks he may like teaching, but he also loves to organize which is why he thinks being a  mayor may be fun too. Like his father, he also adores Sudoku, colouring and crosswords as it gives him great satisfaction once the empty white spaces are filled in with letters, numbers or colours.

Maria Buckley

Maria Buckley is very good at crafts. She like painting a lot, which is why she enjoys helping at the Nursery with Art lessons when she can. Lately she has enjoyed embroidering and has gotten quite good at that too. Her and Molly Clearwater often meet up after school now to embroider together, as Molly is very good at it and is happy to help a sometimes struggling Maria. Next she wants to try making her own painting pigments with her mother.

Oscar Buckley

Oscar Buckley is a happy little boy who loves his Mothers stories or sitting on his Fathers lap when he does his nightly puzzles. Despite his young age, he is already beginning to read simple words and flips through every book he can get his hands on. Aristotle Treefellow and him spend a lot of time together as Aristotle is helping him further develop his reading skills so that he is able to understand more of the books he grabs.

I was so lucky to get both these sets brand new in their boxes, but for $25NZD each! The rest of the family descriptions can be found under the “Meet the Critters” tab ?

Hugs, Emily


  1. Kelsie says:

    Hi Emily! I absolutley love your blog! It is so sweet!
    It was lovely to meet the Clearwaters and the Buckleys and get to know them abit. I love the Clearwaters, and it sounds like she is a budding seamstress! Does she want to pursue this as a career like her mother?
    How lucky for Rupert and Aristotle Treefellow that the planning sessions are held in the Bakery! I’m sure it makes their work much easier when doughnuts are involved, especially free ones!
    Good on Freddie for having big dreams like becoming mayor! I’m sure he could definetely achieve this! He also sounds like he would definetely make a great teacher also; perhaps he could do both?
    You were very lucky to get those sets for $25 each. That’s a great buy!
    I will have to have a look at your other family biographies!
    Have a lovely weekend!

    • nzemily says:

      Hello Kelsie! I’m so happy that you like my blog, thank you for reading!
      Molly does want to be a seamstress as she enjoys sewing so much and is keen to learn new techniques. Alonzo Macavity makes the most delicious donuts which everyone in the village swarms to the Bakery for. Those make Rupert and Aristotle willing to plan the lessons, sometimes this is the highlight of their week! We will see if Freddie will become both a teacher and mayor, he certainly seems to be organized enough. Mayor Elliot Beaman is seeing if over the next school holidays Freddie may like to join him and get an insight into what being a mayor really is like. Whatever he decides to do, I’m sure he will be successful.
      I was so surprised when I saw the sets so cheaply on TradeMe, I couldn’t believe it, a regular new family is more than that and the Buckley family for example isn’t even available in stores now.
      Have a wonderful rest of your day and thanks again for having a look at my blog!
      Hugs, Emily and the other critters of Dandelion Creek

  2. GreyRabbit says:

    Wow, congratulations on your find, Emily – what a bargain!
    I enjoyed meeting your new families, and look forward to seeing them appear in more of your stories. :o)

    • nzemily says:

      Hello GreyRabbit! I love both of the new families so they will certainly be featured in the future.
      Thanks for reading, Emily

  3. Jackson Butterglove says:

    Lovely families, Emily. I’m impressed that you have biographies for them already! I have so many residents in Mellowdene who – although their names and family relationships are documented – still need to have their jobs and position in the village undecided. Only when a story needs a person to do a job is a critter assigned.

    You’re obviously more organised than me in this respect. I love the voles, and having bought Spencer Clearwater recently I appreciate your seamstresses all the more! The Buckleys are cute too, with the females having little hearts in their ears! They look quite feminine, and not as practical as some others in their Calico dresses and aprons, though looks are no doubt deceptive…

    Have a nice week.

    • nzemily says:

      Thanks for reading Jackson Butterglove! I guess that your way also makes sense as you would always have a critter who is able be assigned a job and you can form a personality around. By having biographies before they are really featured in stories/other posts, the critters sort of already have ‘set’ personalities which means that if I need someone to do a job I have to think “hmm, who is most likely to do this?” with their current personality or choose a critter who is quite curious who “wants to learn something new” ?. Congrats on getting Spencer Clearwater, the voles are such cute sylvanians, aren’t they? I surprisingly like the female Buckley ear detail, I think it is rather cute but I’m confused why their baby son who is labelled as male everywhere has heart shaped ears? I agree with you how they don’t look as practical as other families. As a result I think that the whole family looks quite young with Agatha and Rupert being younger parents, compared to the other parents in my village.
      Have a wonderful rest of your day, Emily

  4. Ayrell says:

    Hi Emily!

    Congratulations on your new families, which you got at an amazing price! I love them both, I’ve been eyeing the “Sewing with mother” set myself, I hope to be able to get it at some point. 🙂 Sybil and Molly both sound really nice!
    As do the Buckleys, of course! We already know them a bit, and they’re quite endearing. Loved reading about your families again! 🙂 You make them sound so real!
    Have a great day!

    • nzemily says:

      Hi Ayrell! I would highly recommend the sewing with mother set, it is so gorgeous and detailed! Not only are the voles super cute but the scissors open and close and the ruler has little indentations which makes the set even better. Thanks for reading and have a good rest of your day!

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