Fourteenth of December 2016 by nzemily // December 14, 2016 // 6 Comments Only 10 more days to go until Christmas! Emily
Thirteenth of December 2016 by nzemily // December 13, 2016 // 4 Comments Ice skating fun The Cottontails were delighted to find out that the ice on the lake was strong enough for ice skating so they got their skates and raced off to the frozen lake! Emily
Twelfth of December 2016 by nzemily // December 12, 2016 // 4 Comments “We will be doing a Nativity play this year!” Hilda Robinson exclaimed, “Can I be a shepard?” Charlie asked. Emily
Eleventh of December 2016 by nzemily // December 11, 2016 // 6 Comments Who stole the last Christmas cookie? Emily