The Cottontail Rabbits Review

Hello! Here is my post on the Cottontail rabbits. I love this family, their faces are so cute, gosh, I have so many favourites now! I purchased these quite a while ago but I was too busy posting other stories to post this.

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So here they are! Brother Peter, Father Aaron, Mother Sorrel and Sister Willow. Sorrels nickname is Flopsy while Willows is Mopsy, Aarons middle name is Benjamin while Peter is Peter Rabbit. They are named after some Beatrix Potter characters, See: Flopsy, Mobsy, Peter and Cottontail. Oh, and cousin Benjamin.

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So first of all there is the collection catalouge, I already have at least three of these with this picture on it (I collect them, one day I will do a blogpost on all of my collection of sylvanian stuff)

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And here they are, aren’t they cute?

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The tails are much fluffier than my other rabbits but they are a firm fluffy not a puffy fluffy.

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I was a bit dissapointed to see that Mother Sorrels apron was kept on with elastic instead of the usual ribbon, I want to replace the elastic soon, it does not look that good, what do you think?

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The figures are also taller, like many of the new releases/figures and have the open hands.

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The Cottontails are very happy to live in Basswood Creek. I think that I will never undress Willow since her bow is so perfect! What do you think? I am so excited for my puzzles to finally arrive, next weeks post will probably be another review on them… Since I have been posting mainly stories, I will do (quick)  Tutorial Thursday every Thursday of next month!!! (August)

Have a nice week,



  1. Kyraja says:

    Congratulations to your new family! They’re adorable! I didn’t know that they’re taller than other rabbits – how surprising! Hmh… I think the elastic on the back doesn’t look that nice, but is easier to handle :D. Maybe you could attach a white biw to the elastic, so it looks nicer.

    • nzemily says:

      Yes, I think that that will look better. The babies that I recieved last year from nz collectors club were also bigger.

  2. cutata says:

    Your Cottontail rabbits are lovely! Of all the SF families ,rabbits are one of my favourite. I love their faces, the contrats of white and grey and the pinkish of their ears. I agree with you about the elastic to attach the apron. I looks much nicer with a ribbon but maybe they do it this way thinking about children as it´s easier to remove and put back on its place. Another family to add to my endless whislist!!

    • nzemily says:

      Ah yes, wishlists. I also have a huge one =). Mmm, I also think that the elastic was added for practicality but I am going to replace it with a ribbon.

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