July 2016

IMG_1307 (FILEminimizer)

WOW! It is july already! I am sorry that I did not post this yesterday but since I had to run 3.6km and I am not a very sporty person, I was very tierd by the end of the day and forgot. I do not really like this picture that much since the house building does lack some detail and if I had not seen this in magazines, I would not have thought sylvanian. I really do not like most of the seaside sets… On the other hand, it will be my birthday this month (Hurray!). I have also purchased two sylvanian puzzles and only one piece was missing and it was posted yesterday so should be here around next week. I apologise for the bad photos but these are the sellers pictures that I viewed. Have a good weekend!



  1. cutata says:

    Hi Emily! July is here so I logged in to your blog to see if you had posted the new picture from your calendar and you did! Thank you. I agree with you, I´m not mad about the seaside set seither ( to some point that´s a good thing so I don´t have to add more sets to my wish list). Congrats on those puzzles! It will fun to do them.I like the wedding one. It looks so vintage!
    Happy Birthday!! My birthday was in June.Hope you get some nice gifts!
    Enjoy your weekend you too!

    • nzemily says:

      Hello Cutata!
      Unfortunatly my birthday is not till the end of the month =( I am looking forward to finally reciving my puzzles. I hope to buy more so that next year they can be my calendar posts if I do not get a calender. I hope that you had a nice birthday in June!

  2. Kyraja says:

    Hmh… I feel the same about the seaside sets, maybe it’s because they look all a bit unrealistic? But maybe I just prefer the forest for my villagers
    I’m looking forward to see your puzzles 🙂

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