Dress shopping, New Friend, Oh My!

It was a Saturday in Dandelion Creek, the snow had melted and turned into water, the sun hid behind the clouds. Everyone was inside their houses, making lists for the annual Sping Cleaning next weekend. In the Country Market however,things were not so peaceful. Mother Caroline and Older sister Clara Macavity had taken Asparagus (the second eldest daughter) to get a new dress.

“No! I don’t like it! It is far to frilly! I look like the doll Aunty Margarete had ontop of her Christmas tree a few years ago.” Asparagus argued, tugging at the lacey dress.

“No, you look lovely!” Clara commented, smothening the lace ” You are a proper young lady now!”

“But I don’t want to wear this!” she complined.

“What about this one?” Caroline asked, holding out a pink dress.

“Mother! You know I hate pink! Anyway, that style of dress would make me look seven like that green dress over there!”

Sorrel sighed, Asparagus Macavity was quite difficult when it came to clothes shopping, firstly, she would not try on anything pink unless she was forced too and secondly, she had a very specific taste. Sorrel always dreaded the time when her dresses became too small. She held out a non pink dress for Asparagus to try.

So Asparagus tried that dress on, it was far too small which was a good thing for Asparagus since she didn’t like it anyway but bad for everyone else, who had to struggle to find another dress for her to try. Seeing it was too small, she took it off and threw it behind her- Landing on Mrs. Cakebreads head who inhaled sharply in surprise. Everyone turned around.

“Oh my goodness! Are you alright? I am so sorry! Asparagus needs a new dress, I didn’t think she would- Oh I am so sorry!” Caroline fretted, taking the dress from her head. Sorrel also came over, worried that she had made a bad impression. Clara was scolding her sister who had pulled on the nearest dress regardless of the colour to spare herself any more embarrassment and to look a bit more, presentable.

The two girls that had been with Melissa Cakebread quietly walked over to the ashamed Asparagus. Melinda, who now sat next to Asparagus at school, started to pile up the rejected dresses. The other girl, who was dressed smartly in a school uniform (she attended a boarding school, Asparagus found out later), pulled out of the pile a dress, it was Asparaguses old dress.

“Mia dear, you have found a dress already?” Melissa asked in surprise, for her, finding the perfect dress to a while (Hours!).

“Yes I have Aunt Melissa!” The girl replied.

Caroline smiled to herself, if this girl toos Asparagues old dress, she would have to pick a new one.

“Go on, try it on” Melissa instructed.

“It is a perfect fit!” Melissa exclaimed.

“I love it! Can we get it Aunt Melissa?”

“We sure can Mia!”

“Oh darling!” Melissa exclaimed, seeing what her youngest, Milo was up to. (He was pulling all of the magazines off the rach and throwing them on the ground)

Asparagus headed for the door, wanting to follow Melinda who was heading off for her violin lessons. Sorrel Cottontail was putting the dresses away when Mia, the new girl, stopped her.

“Wait! Can I see the red dress?”

“Sure, here” Sorrel replied, handing her a bright red dress with dark green and blue flowers.

“Asparagus!” Mia called, “try this!”

So she did. The dress was perfect, not so girly, practical, yet pretty. Even though they had just met, from that moment on, Mia and Asparagus became friends.

I rewallpapered the Country Market yesterday since the blu tack I used was begining to show since the wallpaper colour was so light. So I re did it but with double sided tape.

I got the cake decorating set and wanted Mia to have a different dress (You can see the original one in the display case) but the only dress she more or less suited, was Asparagus Macavities one so she had to get a new dress. I thing asparagus looks a lot better in this dress than she did in her old one.

I have finally figured out why some of my photos are blurry on my new camera so after this post (These photos were taken on the old setting) you can hopefully see better photos. I took at least three of each photo scene and picked the best ones.

Ah, the cake that came with the set, is in the Bakery.

Bye for now, Emily

You Are Going to School.

It was another cloudy morning in Dandelion Creek, a week had past since the Cakebread family had arrived. Enjoying the mild temperature, they decided to take a walk around the village which was quieter than usual.

“Children, we have decided that tomorrow, you will start school again!” Martin Cakebread said to his family.

“But Father! We only arrived recently! Please don’t make us go to school quite yet!” pleaded Melinda,

“Please Father!” her brother Marley chipped in, he certainly was enjoying sleeping in late.

But Martin and Melissa remained firm, their children would go to school tomorrow.

So, rather reluctantly, Marley and Melinda got up at six in the morning the following day, envying their younger brother Milo who was still sleeping even after they had changed and made their beds. Breakfast was not that cheerful that morning as both school children were still half asleep. Mother Melissa prepared their lunches this once and even added a special treat! At seven, Milo was also awake as the children had just finished putting everything into their new bags.

“Good bye! Have a great day!” their parents called after them, ” Don’t forget to take the left path when you reach the big oak tree!”

“Why does the weather have to be cloudy?” Marley moaned, “Why couldn’t it be cloudy another day when we don’t have to be outside?”

“You say that all the time” Melinda sighed, glancing at the streaks of snow in the landscape “I do hope it does clear up a bit so that the snow can melt and spring will come!”

“Yes yes, but you will have to wait a while since it looks like more snow is going to fall any minute!”

Melinda opened her mouth, ready to say that the clouds were no where near dark enough for it to able to snow when she was interrupted by sounds of voices in the distance.

Yes, they had reached the school. It was not really a school, just a clearing with desks, chairs and a blackboard. Students were busily chatting in groups while an owl stood on a stool.

Ring-ring-ring! Went the hand bell and all of the students went to sit in their seats. Melinda and Marley just stood there, waiting.

“My name is Aristotle Treefellow and you must be the Cakebread children if i am not mistaken, class, welcome Marley and Melinda!” the owl hooted.

“Welcome Marley and Melinda” the class echoed.

“Who will be kind enough to sit next to Melinda?” he asked and a rabbit promptly raised her hand. “Thank you Rosie, you will be Melinda’s sitting buddy for the week. Rumpus, sit at the back of the class at the spare desk please. Marley, sit next to Rumpus.”

Melinda eagerly walked over to the girl, they had briefly met a few days ago but hardly knew each other. Nervously she sat down, Rosie watching her every move.

“Hello Melinda! How are you? Are you nervous for your first day at school here? Aristotle may look a bit intimidating with his glasses and all but really he is quite nice, just don’t mention that you don’t like to read or anything, he will be really angry!” Rosie explained.

Melinda smiled gratefully, Rosie seemed nice. School was going to be just fine, still, she missed her old school.

“History first, get out your books please. What did we learn about yesterday Rosie?” Aristotle asked.

“We learned about the first Sylvanian community in the Sylvanian Woods sir.” she replied.

“Excellent, now Melinda, name three families who lived in that village.”

“Umm” spluttered Melinda, she hated when she was put on the spot like this.” The Timbertops, umm, Evergreens and Dappledawns?”

“No, not quite. The Dappledawns arrived much later. The one you want to say is Wildwoods.” Aristotle corrected

“Yes, Mr. Treefellow, Aristotle Sir.” Melinda replied, blushing as red as her exercise book.

While Aristotle was busily asking questions about the first community, Melinda was searching and searching her bag for her History book. Rosie guessed what the problem was and kindly pushed her copy between them, saving Melinda from confessing she had forgotten her book. (Aristotle could not tolerate it when students forgot books.)

Lunchtime soon came around and Rumpus was greedily eyeing the biscuits that Melissa had packed for her son. “Hello, I am Rumpus Macavity and my sister Asparagus the vegetable sits over there” he said, pointing to a girl in a red and white dress.

“Rumpus! Stop being so mean!” Rosie exclaimed who then slipped and fell right onto her back.

“What a pity! That was meant to be for the Queen of Vegetables, highness Asparagus from Wishy-washy Dish washing land.” Rumpus explained.

Melinda also noticed her neighbor eyeing her biscuits.

“You can have one! Thank you for letting me use your history book” Melinda said, handing Rosie the pink biscuit.


After a while lot of lessons including English, Science and Maths, Rumpus and Marley finally had time to perfect their handshake which they had been practicing at lunch. Maybe school was not going to be that bad…

Managed to write a story at last! It was supposed to be longer but I stopped taking photos one day and the next few were rainy and cloudy so this will have to do.


SF Puzzles!

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, school and homework have left me drained by the weekend and non motivated to post.

I recently (maybe not so recently, it was in January) I bought some SF puzzles.

I bought 4 for a quite good price. The first one here is of the Evergreens wedding and yes, I already own this puzzle but it is in better condition and is complete unlike my other one which is missing 2 pieces. Does anyone else see that Mr. Thistlethorn has invited his twin brother who looks exactly like himself? I guess they just were not paying attention to what characters they put into the puzzle and accidently put two Thistlethorn fathers.

Here is the second one which is a wonderful group photo, doesn’t it make you wish that you owned some of these families?

This one here is a school setting and yes, there is a complete puzzle inside but I just didn’t photograph it when it was completed.

Here the families got together to listen to some wonderful music on sunset in Sylvania.

The second and last puzzle both are in a frame or tray as you might call it.

Umongst regular odd pieces are some fun ones like a crown, gingerbread man, bat and rabbit. The position of these is the same in both try puzzles.

At the back of the puzzle tray are black and white photos of all of the tray puzzles. I have two of the four.

It was actually made in NZ!

Just a photo of the box, the puzzle was made by Waddlingtons in 1987.

Here alre all of my six puzzles together. I really do like them but I am not really sure what to do with my incomplete puzzle of the wedding set. I will hold on to it for now… What do you think?


The Cakebreads are here!

On Saturday morning, I was just going past my SF table when I saw a very large group of people at the playground, looking closer, I noticed that my village ahd grown by five Sylvanians! The Cakebreads had arrived during the night and were being greeted by several of the villagers. I will add a description soon. I was actually going to post a story but unfortunatly, the photos were ALL blurry, this one here is OK I guess but the others… I was going to post their family photo and descriptions too but (argh!) it was blurry too and the Cakebreads poor son looked like he was about to fall over! So, I am off to take it again.