Patchwork Quilt Tutorial

For this tutorial you will need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Different types of fabric
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Ruler

Create a template which is 2cm long and 2cm wide.

Trace the template onto several pieces of fabric and cut them out.

Arrange the pieces of fabric in a way you like them.

Start by sewing two squares together.

Continue to sew more and more squares together until your quilt is the size you want it to be.

Sew a backing on, leaving only a little hole to put stuffing in.

Once the stuffing is inside, sew the hole closed and you are done!

Hello everyone! I haven’t posted in a while but finally, here is a post! I don’t know if I ever mentioned this but the gift that the Macavity children were gift wrapping was actually this quilt! I hope you enjoyed the tutorial!

A Present Wrapping Mission

Hugs, Emily



  1. Miss Holiday says:

    Dear Emily,
    thank you for sharing this sweet little quilt tuto – great project!
    Today’s a rainy day, here. I’ll possibly have a try on it – since we are expecting a guest from Foxbridge, this summer and we still need something to make the Tower Of Isfahan a cosy guest house…

    very cordially yours
    Miss Holiday/Purrchester

  2. cutata says:

    Hi Emily!
    It´s great to hear from you again!
    Hope you did well in all your tests and essays.

    I love patchwork quilts and your mini version looks amazing!

    I´d love to try making one myself but you know I´m not very fond of sewing and it seems to take a lot of time and work but it will be worth it.

    Do you already know who will have sweet dreams under this warm and cozy quilt?

    A big hug!

    • nzemily says:

      Hi Cutata! I think that I will make a very simple quilted rug tutorial which hopefully should involve little to no sewing. We will see what the weekend will bring! Well, the quilt was a present to Caroline Macavity, it was the gift her children wrapped in The Present Wrapping Mission!
      Have a lovely day,
      Emily ?

  3. Miss Holiday says:

    Hi Emily,

    as your little quilt inspired me for the guest-house bed, I tried my own version out of felt pieces. If you like just drop in and take a look at DIY Challenge 2018 – “Nighttime”

    • nzemily says:

      Well, I feel very happy that something that I created has inspired you to make something! I will definitely go and have a look at the thread now.

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